Spatial Arrangement

With a planned area of 100.9 square kilometers, Huairou Science City (“HSC”) is located in northeast Beijing, mostly in Huairou District but also extending to parts of Miyun District. 

A core and a hub attracting resources; synergy of Huairou District and Miyun District; a waterfront belt with forests and fields surrounding the city. 

A core: the heart of the science city convening scientific research and urban public services. 

A hub: a “science hub” to be built in the north of the heart of HSC with major national large research infrastructures, inter-disciplinary research platforms, science and education infrastructure, national labs, research institutions, business incubators, Science and technology services and other innovation resources. 

Synergy of Huairou District and Miyun District: promoting the interactive, innovation-driven development of Huairou District and Miyun District through HSC. 

A waterfront belt: a dynamic north-south waterfront belt along the Yanqi River. 

Forests and fields surrounding the city: developing the extensive farm fields between Huairou District and Miyun District into a science garden.