Innovation Activities
Strive to undertake national science and technology programs (projects and funds) including those of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Major National Science and Technology Projects, Major National R&D Programs, Technology Innovation Guidance Projects, Base and Talent Programs;
Strive to undertake problem tackling and technology development projects under the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the Ministry of Education (MOE), the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) and other national ministries and commissions;
Establish joint funds for comprehensive national science center and major science and technology infrastructures.
Increase support by Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Programs (Projects and Funds) for HSC and use funds for science and technology achievement transformation properly;
Maximize the role of Beijing Science & Technology Innovation Fund in providing more support for HSC to establish sub-funds;
Attract private investment, expand channels for basic research investment and encourage the establishment of joint funds in partnership with private agencies.
Advancing Major International Science Programs and Science Engineering Projects.Start preparation for Major International Science Programs, and facilitate international academic cooperation and personnel exchanges as soon as possible;
Take lead in establishing a support platform for Major International Science Programs and explore an effective build-operate-management mechanism in line with the needs of individual project;
Support research institutions and universities in their efforts to launch Major International Science Programs and projects focusing on global scientific frontiers and national strategies such as the Belt and Road Initiative.